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Media Gamer: Entertaining Game Videos

By BlueZeroBlueZero
22 Feb 2009 09:00

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BVGB Site Redesign

By BlueZeroBlueZero
21 Feb 2009 21:27

I have changed the website design by modifying the CSS. This is not something that I take lightly and I have tested this theme out on a test website prior to using it for BVGB. Let me run you through it:

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Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (Gamecube) Review

By Zott820Zott820
14 Feb 2009 08:05


Note: This review has major SPOILERS, do not read if you don't want spoilers of the plot.

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Resident Evil 5 Preview (PS3)

By BlueZeroBlueZero
08 Feb 2009 22:43

This is a preview of Resident Evil 5 after my hands on time with the demo. As with all previews, I am going to talk about what happens and people should be aware that there are going to be spoilers from the demo. I assume that people have played Resident Evil 4 but not everyone has played the RE5 demo. So if you haven’t played the demo, I would play it first if you can before you read the preview.

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Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (PS3) Review

By BlueZeroBlueZero
01 Feb 2009 19:44

Background: I did not play the first Mercenaries, so my expectations were not high enough to be disappointed with World in Flames like the rest of the Internet. I completed the game three times to the end and have played with all the DLC and cheats. Captured all HVTs, played all missions in the single player. Experienced Co-op.

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Hi All

By Zott820Zott820
01 Feb 2009 05:32

Hello all,

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By BlueZeroBlueZero
31 Jan 2009 21:37

I am almost complete with the blog system. Thanks for the patience.

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