Movie Gamers

Movie Gamers is a place for gamers to write reviews about their favorite and most hated blockbuster movies. When I say movies, I mean any movie that was in movie theaters or that was published. The movies can be video game related or just movies we enjoyed discussing.

Wreck-It Ralph Movie Review and Cameos

By BlueZeroBlueZero
02 Nov 2012 04:52


Considering the movie Wreck It Ralph takes place in an arcade universe and features arcade and video game character cameos, this was enough for me to review the movie. I’ve waited until near when the movie launches tonight to post my review, so there will be lots of movie plot spoilers going forward. Insert coin to start:

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Advent Children Complete Review

By ShihnongShihnong
21 Jun 2009 07:10

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Toy Story 3 Teaser Trailer

By BlueZeroBlueZero
30 May 2009 06:07

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Shihnong's Movie List - The Best and Worst Sequels

By ShihnongShihnong
03 May 2009 22:15

Movies are stories, and because they are stories, movies are meant to have a beginning and an end. But sometimes, there’s another story that follows the end. And why is there another story? On the rare occasion, it’s because what we thought was the story was only the beginning. Sometimes, there’s a far deeper plot that incorporates the first story. Sometimes, it’s a different story revolving the same characters, but it feels whole and complete. And then for the most part, it’s because the first gained so much economic success that it would be “stupid” not to follow up with another part.

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Watchmen: A Superhero Movie

By ShihnongShihnong
06 Apr 2009 06:07

To begin with, Watchmen is a great superhero movie. It’s entertaining, and it would be a great summer blockbuster if it were during the summer. But it’s not. And it’s not supposed to be a superhero movie.

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